

I'm gonna watch anime again! probably, soon..
What interest me are:
1. Hidamari Sketch 3
2. Sakamei Koto?
3. Railgun?
4. Queens blade?
5. A good op/end show
Hm, I feel like drawing stuff like Gokujo Drops in response to the new 3rd book :p. Suggestions?


Yi said...

I like the third drawing a lot. Very dynamic in the characters' actions. ^ ^
I haven't seen more than a few episodes of the anime you listed, but I'm also planning on watching Sasameki Koto and Railgun.

Can't wait for GD volume 3.

koyot3 said...

I know, it is the hime hair right? :p
That is actually Mai from Toheart, she's pretty cool.

shijima said...

As for Gokujou Drops, more twincest is always good in my book. =)