
Some portable gaming rant

This is it for this post. Yes, quite lacking :q.

I've been a super fan of 2D mmos, mainly Ragnarok Online, so when there was a DS version of the late favorite, in korean no less, I was pretty interested that my DS wouldnt go to waste. Failure occured though when it wouldnt go past opening. Same thing occured with Princess Maker 4 (k). It leads me to believe that there is a block of some sort for non-asian systems becaue the same occured for PSP's, Nanoha (j)! Asian games hate me.

Ugh.. anyway, next are some Touhou project and thinking of Maihime project.

1 comment:

Yi said...

I love the way you draw hands. Hands are always the hardest thing for me, and I think you draw them very well.