
Nanoha webcomics by ayareimu

Apologies beforehand for any mistypes but it is 4am.

Well, just browsing this Nanoha webpage which seems to be a Nanoha small doujin event (which I'll get to on another post), I found various blogs by the authors. One of which is this one site that has a ton of Nanoha webcomics mostly from the lyrical (1st) season. These are gag material and pretty good (Bonus points for Yuuno the ferret bashing >:3)

I'm sure this is not the blog page but a subpage from it showing webcomics.

To not get lost too much, here is the series of Nanoha webcomics all the way down.

I'll work on some of them if there is some interest, but atm, enjoy.


Yi said...

Looks interesting. What do the words say?

koyot3 said...

I'm sorry, I will get to them but after 3 weeks or so.

Anonymous said...

ummmm...if anyone is interested in this manga...
I have a SHITSURAKUEN manga chapter 12 scanlated in ENGLISH...and a SASAMEKI KOTO chapters 35 & 36 raw...if you want to download it...heres the link...
